Yard House, a sight for sore eyes. I love walking in and seeing the 100+ taps and a great focus to beer. Let's not kid ourselves, this is not what I would define as a true beer geek bar, it really is main stream as far as beer bars go. But, you can get a yummy meal - trust me, you must try the mac & cheese and a choice of more beer than usual.
After a little convincing my husband and I grabbed some dinner there on Thursday and decided it was time to pick something new. For him, a
Dogfish Head 90 minute IPA and for me a
Firestone Double Barrel Ale. Dogfish Head is known for their inventive and sometimes off the beaten path brews, with 90 minute being one of their more commonly known beers. It is a big beer - in alcohol and flavor. It is a heavily hopped but not overbearing IPA and should be savored in a goblet as it goes down. Now Firestone I wasn't as familiar with, I had to do a little research to find out what these guys are all about. Turns out they love pale ales and brew three of them in a smaller setting. I can see why Yard House mistakenly classified this as an Amber/Red as it was very well balanced with a crisp hoppy finish. Overall, I am sure you will be finding that both of us will be enjoying each of these brews again, the beer gods were on our side this time!