Sunday, August 30, 2009

Birthday Gift-o-Beer

I love good friends that know exactly what I want for my birthday, enter Mel. I met her working at Rock Bottom and she put up with living with me during college. She too enjoys a good beer. We met to go out to lunch today and she brought me a belated birthday gift.

First the perfect card:
Then the bag-0-beer:

From left to right we have: Dupont Foret, Dolle Brouwers Oerbier, Paulaner Oktoberfest, Lindemans Framboise Lambic, Avery Karma Ale, St Bernaardus Abt 12 (Abbey Ale), Kona Longboard, Full Sail Limited Edition Lager

I have tried a few (including my favorite, Foret) but have not tried some of the others. Check back for my thoughts on each!

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