Sunday, August 30, 2009

First Up - Full Sail Limited Edition Lager

As the bottle says: "Well looky here. A crisp new Pilsner style all ready to rock your tastebuds' world." I must pause to say that I love beer folks because there is room for cheeky labels, this group doesn't take itself too seriously.

A part of Full Sail's, LTD Series this is recipe number: 03. A few breweries have gone to this kind of test brew/seasonal system including Breckenridge. I tend to like it and know what to look for on the shelf at my favorite retailer to find the next special thing from these breweries.

Admittedly, Pilsner Lagers are not my favorite style of beer. Most of the time I find them boring and many times skunky. I must make an exception for this beer. It starts like a traditional Pilsner but finishes with a light floral hoppy finish giving it a very refreshing quality. Thank you Sterling Hops, I am glad your brightness is a part of this brew.

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