Tuesday, July 20, 2010

40 Down, Thousands to Go

After a long day at the office, I joined my husband in a toast to a new beer we were trying (Laughing Dog CSB) and we started that age old discussion of what we would do if we didn't have to work.  My answer is always the same, I would travel the world visiting breweries.  I never tire of trying new beer, hearing the history of the brewery and meeting new friends. 

I love the teeny tiny breweries who create tasting rooms with folding tables after they roll up the garage door (Flat Earth in MN) or sleek modern breweries that are constantly expanding their facilities to keep up with the demand for their beer and tasting areas bursting at the seams (New Belgium).   I even, on rare occasion, get a kick out of seeing the "big" guys and marvel at the robotic nature of their facilities.  It makes me appreciate the craft brewers that much more.  

Lucky for me my friends and family are great partners in crime as I taste my way across the world.  Thanks to them I have tasted my way through 40 breweries but have thousands to go. 

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